Fairy tales

There’s a bubble in every fish 

Grandma used to say

Eat enough of them

And your body would become so light 

That you could naturally float 

You’ll no longer fear water 

Or gravity 

Or the distant sound of people singing


Or the sound of TV and of the microwave 

on Friday nights 

But someday you will lose that freedom

You will be captured 

And trapped in a sugar castle 

Your body stops aging 

And only your hair grows 

You’re fed one lollipop a day 

Which gives you cavity under the sun 

And when the moon comes up 

Turns into a dagger down your throat 

So you beg and make a deal 

With the witch or the devil 

(Whoever has a better google review) 

You trade your voice

Your legs 

Your name 

For what you foolishly believe to be the most beautiful thing in the world 

Some people call it love 

When it is really is

Just a rainbow in the desert 

And fresh footsteps after the first snow 




A black river 7233 miles long